Working as a Senior Information Architect with the Office of the Chief Information Officer for the Province of British Columbia I developed enterprise data standards for Mailing, Delivery and Residential Addresses. From a data modelling perspective addresses are a challenging entity – they are fundamental to many business activities, yet most systems capture them in […]
Metadata & Data Governance
What does “Related Articles” mean?
The problem with the category “Related Articles” is that it is a synonym for “Miscellaneous.” To be more effective the term should state how the other articles are related – such as “More Sushi Cook Books” or “More General Electric Stoves Under $1000.” Stating the relationship of something with suggested items makes the suggestions more […]
Information Architecture and Yona Friedman’s La Ville Spatiale
Today I had the pleasure of visiting the University of Laussane, Switzerland to see an exhibit on Hungarian architect Yona Friedman, called the Genesis of a Vision. I’m certainly no expert on Mr. Friedman’s work, but I found the exhibit interesting coming from the perspective of someone who designs space with information. There were a […]
Euro IA Poster: The Information Architecture of Exchange
This poster is a follow up to “Better Cross-Channel Experiences with Metadata,” a presentation delivered by Adam Ungstad to the IA Summit in New Orleans 2012. It was Adam Ungstad’s submission to Euro IA 2012 poster night. Here’s the original description: To date, the Information Architecture and User Experience fields have focused largely on how information should […]
IA Summit 12: Better Cross-Channel Experiences With Metadata
Adam Ungstad was lucky enough to speak at the Information Architecture Summit in New Orleans 2012, tackling the subject of metadata. Slides from the presentation are presented below, and the original session description follows: Metadata provides a foundation for the cross-channel experiences we consume in the dawn of the 21st century by enabling consistency, context […]