I was lucky enough to attend the annual Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) seminar at the Royal Library of the Netherlands in the The Hague this October. The quality of the papers presented was very good, and I think everyone who attended took away something new and useful. Here’s a few of the interesting things that I […]
EuroIA 2013: Metadata in Cross-Channel Ecosystems
I was lucky enough to be a presenter at EuroIA in Edinburgh, Scotland this past weekend. The entire conference was a good one, with a very broad range of topics covered ranging from natural interfaces to facilitating co-creation workshops to, of course, metadata. My talk was called “Metadata in Cross-Channel Ecosystems” and explores the role […]
IA Summit 2013: Metadata in the Cross-Channel Ecosystem
This April I had the pleasure of speaking at the annual Information Architecture Summit in Baltimore, Washington. My talk was called ‘Metadata in the Cross-Channel Ecosystem’, and these are the slides.
Information Architecture and Yona Friedman’s La Ville Spatiale
Today I had the pleasure of visiting the University of Laussane, Switzerland to see an exhibit on Hungarian architect Yona Friedman, called the Genesis of a Vision. I’m certainly no expert on Mr. Friedman’s work, but I found the exhibit interesting coming from the perspective of someone who designs space with information. There were a […]
IA Summit 12: Better Cross-Channel Experiences With Metadata
Adam Ungstad was lucky enough to speak at the Information Architecture Summit in New Orleans 2012, tackling the subject of metadata. Slides from the presentation are presented below, and the original session description follows: Metadata provides a foundation for the cross-channel experiences we consume in the dawn of the 21st century by enabling consistency, context […]